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Blue Knot Day 2022

Compassion and Empathy

Deb Dana draws from Polyvagal Theory in observing that compassion emerges from a ventral vagal state in which we are open and grounded, and which enables our capacity for social interaction and connection.

It can be difficult when living with complex trauma to know what you need or to be kind to yourself. Developing self-compassion in small moments can open the door to being better able to reach out to others.

Kristen Neff (2017) speaks about the core elements of compassion as Self Kindness, Common Humanity and Mindfulness read more in our post below.

Self-compassion allows us to engage difficult thoughts, feelings, and sensations with open eyes and an open heart at a pace we can manage.
Self Kindness Watching the language we use towards ourselves when things are feeling heavy or overwhelming or we did not get the outcome we wanted.
Common Humanity Acknowledging that others also experience these feelings and we are not alone. Its ok to reach out for support.
Mindfulness Understanding and learning to move through feelings rather than avoiding or not voicing them. Acknowledging and noticing our responses and what they may be attached to but then letting them go.

Blue Knot Day 2022

Blue Knot Day 2022
Australian Aboriginal Flag
Torres Strait Islands Flag

Blue Knot Foundation respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work and pay respect to the First Nations Peoples and their Elders, past, present and future. We acknowledge their strength and resilience to thrive as Sovereign Owners and are honoured to journey with them on the path to healing and reconciliation. Please be aware that this website may contain the names, images and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who may now be deceased.

Blue Knot Helpline and Redress Support Service1300 657 380
National Counselling and Referral Service - Disability1800 421 468